Strategy and Resources

When you think about your local council, services like waste and recycling, sports centres, libraries, school places and roads come to mind. You might not realise what else goes on behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly and plan for a positive future.

Our Strategy and Resources team provides the council with leadership on strategy, culture, finance, legal and digital, as well as day to day business support. It takes a committed, enthusiastic team with wide-ranging professional expertise to keep our council working efficiently and with agility, ensuring we continue delivering quality frontline services for people in Leeds.

Our people are the heart of our organisation and the teams within Strategy and Resources are integral to every colleague’s experience at the council. Our business support centre and the HR team provide support during the recruitment process and throughout your employment.

Our digital access, web and communications teams make sure that everyone can access the information they need in the way they need it. Our contact centre colleagues offer responsive customer service on the phone and online.

We take seriously our responsibility to make the most of what we have, ensuring we spend money wisely. Strategy and Resources looks after the council’s finances and procurement and delivers essential services in-house.

The Strategy and Resources team goes beyond delivering the essential systems that colleagues need to do their jobs. We develop key strategies, such as our Best City Ambition and associated plans, informed by robust data and insight, consultation with citizens and democratic decision-making, that impact the direction of the wider business.

Also part of the Strategy and Resources family is Civic Enterprise Leeds (CEL), an area of the council responsible for delivering many of our essential frontline services. There are job opportunities with CEL in teams including catering, cleaning, building services, passenger transport and more.

As a council we have bold ambitions to be an efficient, enterprising and healthy organisation, central to a compassionate city with a strong economy. We’re one of the biggest employers in the city, offering clear career pathways to professionals in HR, finance, law, IT, administration, communications and marketing and many other areas of work.

Financial Services

The Financial Services function is a highly regarded, forward-thinking service that supports the delivery of the council’s services by providing a Technical Financial Service, a comprehensive Financial Management service together with an Internal Audit, Corporate Governance and Insurance function, a Procurement and Commercial Service and a billing and collection of revenue income for Business Rates, Council Tax and General Income.

Human Resources

Our vision is to create the best place to work for all members of staff. We work to improve the employee experience; we develop our managers and leaders; and promote our organisational values and behaviours.

Integrated Digital Services

We support IT systems for council colleagues, NHS partners and Leeds residents, for smarter working and better access to services.

Legal and Democratic Services

We support the council with a wide range of legal and democratic services.

Shared Services

We focus on customer service and efficient administration enabling a supportive, responsive council to deliver positive outcomes for people in Leeds.

Strategy and Performance

We bring together essential business and policy functions that enable the council to run smoothly, drive improvements and bring real change to people’s lives in Leeds.