Planning and Sustainable Development

Our teams within Planning and Sustainable Development are responsible for the delivery of the statutory planning system and building control in Leeds.  

The city has built momentum over the last decade with significant development and investment in support of our Best City Ambition. Planning and sustainable development makes a key contribution towards the council’s priorities within the Best City Ambition - inclusive growth, zero carbon and health and wellbeing.

We have a vital role in maintaining the integrity of our city environment by conserving the city’s history and ecology and ensuring development is safe, sustainable and appropriate. Our aim is to secure our city’s future as a great place to live, work and visit.

To do this we rely on a multi-skilled team of technicians and specialists with roles including: 

  • planners
  • conservation and listed building specialists  
  • tree officers  
  • urban designers  
  • landscape architects  
  • ecologists
  • data analysts  
  • GIS specialists  
  • energy and building surveyors  
  • technical support and business roles

The team works across our 5 business areas, which are: 

  • development management, considering and determining outcomes of planning applications  
  • strategic planning, including the Development Plan for Leeds and Environmental Design Group, providing technical advice in response to planning applications and plan-making in areas such as conservation, urban design and landscaping
  • business systems and support such as overseeing governance responsibilities, opportunities for service improvement, Section 106 Agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy  
  • technical and customer services, including application validation, publicity and neighbour notification
  • building control, determining applications for building control, safety at sports grounds and building demolition, complying with the requirements of new legislation including the Building Safety Act

It’s an exciting time to join Planning and Sustainable Development, with Leeds at the forefront of growth in the region. As one of the city’s largest employers, Leeds City Council can offer you breadth of opportunity and a part to play in shaping the city’s future.  

Develop your career with us - visit our jobsite for all current vacancies. 

Our colleagues say:

Benedict, Senior Planner

“I was drawn to this career for the supportive work environment and the values embraced by the council. I’m proud to work in a role that improves people’s day-to-day lives, through supporting developers to make valuable contributions to the public realm that nurture the distinctive landscapes of Leeds and conserve the district’s rich cultural heritage.”

Daniel, Senior Technical Officer

“Since I joined the council as an apprentice I’ve passed my NVQ and gained a permanent role, valuable knowledge and a promotion. The teams I work with feel like a work family, we all help each other out. It's interesting to see planning applications that will shape the city, and it makes me proud to train new starters, help out my colleagues and the people of Leeds.”